Sunday 25 January 2015

A very triggery weekend

Well for those of you who have sensible drinking habits, this might seem pathetic but I am very pleased with myself. This weekend, I faced and defeated six temptations to drink or rather six situations that would have potentially involved me drinking.

These included:
- the end of my working week (Thursday evening). I did feel I had earned a drink. The idea of 'earning' a drink is a little odd. I think I might have to address that - perhaps earn something else.
- I popped around a friend's house in the evening and watched her drink a bottle of beer while I sipped tea.
- I went to the cinema (OK -I don't normally drink at the cinema but it was an independent one with a bar and my companion drank a pint and a half)
- I went to a pub after the cinema and drank soda water. In the last two decades, there has been probably less than a handful of times that I have been in a pub and not drunk anything alcoholic. It's a big association for me. PUB = PINTS
- I went to an afternoon housewarming party where most people were drinking. I had elderflower cordial and a cup of tea. i also had a lot of fun and witty banter.
- I went to an evening birthday party with alcohol-a-flowing and drank fizzy water. We sang and chatted and I very much enjoyed the people there.

The best part about this not drinking - I have realised - is that I not only feel so much better the next day, I think I actually have more fun. The reason for me think...

- Other people's tipsiness rubs off on me and I don't actually notice I am sober.
- I am rarely socially awkward and I don't think my behaviour is much different from when I am sober from when I am drunk. That's not to say I am never socially inappropriate - that's different!
- I feel a sort of pride in the fact I am still having fun and remaining wholesome (there is pleasure in that for me).
- Remaining sober means I can navigate social interactions more effectively for the whole evening. Alcohol undoubtedly makes me less sensitive to others, more likely to misunderstand and more blurty! I have committed many a faux pas under the influence like the time I told someone she looked like a bumble bee at a wedding. I had meant it as a compliment but it was not received as such. I actually have to be sober to understand that this could possibly cause offence.
- I enjoy the clarity that stays with me for the evening, my awareness isn't curbed and I can maximise on interactions which is the part I love about parties.
- I am not always looking for something to put in my glass, I don't have to hold a glass and I am not looking for people to blag fags off. It frees up more time and my hands!


  1. 1. You're not wrong. Pubs do equal pints.
    2. This is great - I am going to be able to take you to so many more places and introduce you to way more people!
    3. What do you do with your freed up hands?

  2. 1. Or tomato juice
    2. Not sure about that actually. I appear to be no less verbally impulsive
    3. Flail of course.
